We want to be able to get hold of you for reunion and other class related info.
We will never use your info for anything else or give it to any third party.

You can send your current (or recently changed) contact information and any questions
about the reunion to preferably and
EVEN EASIER,  you can just enter it below and it will automatically get to us.
THANK YOU!!  THANK YOU!!  THANK YOU!! It is a huge help to us to keep your info current.
(Your submitted info does not go to anyone outside the class. We maintain the site and info ourselves.)
If you are still freaked out by the internet, mail to AWHS 1982 c/o Lynn (Sherman) Alloy Box 435 Dunn Loring VA 22027
First Name (required)
Last Name (required)
Maiden Name (if any)
Email Address (required)
Retype Email
Mailing Address
City State ZIP (please)
Would you be interested in sharing what's been going on in your life in a directory of classmates?
PLEASE, Give us some highlights about what is going on with you. (family, career, accomplishments, who you keep in touch with, news about other classmates, etc)
Also any clarifications about reunion preferences or suggestions. We want to hear about what has been going on with you. Beleive it  or not, your classmates are interested.
Could you help out with some minor organizing tasks for a reunion?
Please Check Your Info For Accuracy, then . . .
Let us know when things change! Just resubmit your new address, married name, email etc.
(be sure to check the "updated info box" if you had previously submitted something.)

Please send us a current photo of you and your family and/or old photos from Andrew Warde
that we can post on the web site. Believe it or not, we are interested.
After submitting your info above, Email your photos to Us!!

Check here if this is a change or correction of something already posted on the site, or an update of something you previously submitted --------------------->>
Phone (optional):
Preference for next reunion:    Time of Year:
Andrew Warde High School
Fairfield, Connecticut
- Class of 1982 -
Please don't leave this blank! We honestly are interested in what you have been up to during the past years